Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Counting the Votes. . .

The elections went reasonably peaceful on Monday.  The turnout was high and people stood in the queue's for many many hours in the hot sun!  A true exercise in democracy, there are few nations in the world where people have enough patience and desire to queue for many hours to cast their vote.

The counting commenced, but now 36 hours into the counting, barely 50% of the ballots have been counted.  Hopefully there will be a result by this evening, as the tension tends to rise when the results of the process are delayed. . . The world is watching closely, and we all are trying to stay positive in that there will not be any post-election violence this time around.

On a lighter note, I have not been crafting a lot, but feel honoured that Hannah from Like Mama~Like Daughter featured my horse-rein tutorial in her Eco-Kids Tuesday post.
De verkiezingen veliepen redelijk rustig op maandag. De opkomst was hoog en de mensen stonden voor vele vele uren in de hete zon in de rij! Een ware oefening in democratie, want er zijn weinig landen in de wereld waar mensen genoeg geduld om voor vele uren in de rij te staan om hun stem uit te brengen.

Het tellen is begonnen, maar nu 36 uur later is nauwelijks 50% van de stemmen geteld. Hopelijk komt het eind resultaat vanavond.  De spanning in het land steigt nu dat de resultaten van de verkiezingen vertraagd zijn. . . De wereld kijkt nauwlettend toe, en we proberen allemaal positief te blijven in het feit dat we dit keer geen geweld na de verkiezingen zullen hebben deze keer.

Op een lichtere noot, ik heb niet veel gehandwerkt deze dagen, maar voel me vereerd dat Hannah van Like Mama~Like Daughter mijn paarden teugels tutorial in haar Eco-Kids Tuesday centraal stelde.



  1. I was happy to feature your horse reins! Everyday Bunny plays with horses and plays like she is a horse. I seriously must make her something similiar.

    What a very good election turn out! Much better than here in the US. Hoping all goes well with the results.

    1. Thanks Hannah. 86% of the registered voters, quite an accomplishment.

  2. Congratulations on being featured!! That's wonderful news!! I hope all goes smoothly with the voting result.

    1. Thanks Linda! We just heard the news that Uhuru Kenyatta has won. Now we just hope the people remain peaceful.

  3. Sending positive thoughts for a peaceful end to the counting! Love the feature!
    Beccijo of The Enchanted Cupboard

  4. Congrats for the feature :) I wish that the vote goes where you wish it to go :) Have a great week end !!
